Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

As a strong family culture and value to give back to society, the management set up a Trust much before the term CSR was coined. In 1987 Sri Ram Charitable Trust (SRCT) was founded and has been since then 100% funded by Thermo Group whose companies transfer yearly a % of its profits into the Trust.

Our Vision

To bring a sustainable change in the lives of the rural & underprivileged.

Our Mission

To adopt a village and hamlets around it and empower children, youth and women through relevant education, healthcare and promotion of livelihoods.

Preventive and Curative measures are included in our Health Care programs focused to serve mainly rural population. Under preventive care, we provide safe drinking water in rural areas and educated people on the importance of nutritious food. As a curative measure, we provide assistance for individual medical treatment in deserving cases and to groups through medical camps and direct assistance to establish hospitals.

Financial support for establishment of Eye Hospital and safe drinking water in rural areas are some of the other initiatives taken up.

Apart from agriculture and allied activities, alternative livelihood sources in rural areas are almost negligible.To help educated rural youth, the Trust is running computer training centers, trainings in spoken and written in the English language, Trainings in tailoring for house wives, etc. We have conducted vocational courses in our Junior College to help candidates who complete 12th standard to acquire employment skills.


  • Under women empowerment, AHWAAHAN was launched to call for gender equality and harmony. Through self defence training in Government schools and villages, AHWAAHAN is reaching 1500 young girls in Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra. Totally more than 1000 adolescent boys will complete gender sensitization sessions during 2020-22.
  • Champions are unique feature of AHWAAHAN. These are motivated individuals trainees who are willing to give time to support the other girls in the community. Such passionate girls are identified and given additional inputs.
  • The AHWAAHAN consortium is a group of like-minded CSR groups and individuals who are passionate and commit to gender equal & harmonious communities. They come together to design, implement and fund the initiative.

Immediate response to any natural calamity is priority for the Employees of the Thermo Group and the Trustees of SRCT. The Thermo group has responded to all major natural disasters between 1996-2015. Through employee contributions, and matched by the Company, and in partnership with other Organizations/ Individuals basic relief material was procured, packed and sent to the disaster site. In many instances, employees formed distribution teams and provided the relief directly to the most needy people.

SRCT has established 10 centers in and around Hyderabad to conduct coaching classes in the evenings to guide and tutor children living in urban slums. Children are in the age group 6 to 13 from classes 1 to 8 and their parents are mostly daily wage earners or domestic servants.

Environment Protection

These include  initiatives for construction of individual toilets, cleanliness of village surroundings and  building awareness on waste disposal. SRCT also conducts Harita Haram programs of the Govt. of Telangana by conducting plantation programs in villages and schools.


Thermo Group expanded its activities to promote Sports among economically poor communities and in Government schools. Financial assistance for football coaching was given to students in 3 Government schools in Tamil Nadu. Table tennis coaching helped many students who were coached to compete at State level championships.